Home / Install / Active Directory Service/Domain Controller Install Windows 2012 R2

Active Directory Service/Domain Controller Install Windows 2012 R2

Domain Controller / Active Directory Services Install Windows 2012 R2

This Video demonstrate to configure Domain Controller or Active Directory Services in Windows 2012 R2.  The domain controller is foundation for simple and complex environments for LAN or Data centers. Its Simple Video More Complex Scenarios are possible.

Procedure Walk-through

This video assumes fresh install of windows 2012 R2

  • Change Computer Name to dchost1 or any other name. (Reboot)
  • Make sure The server has assigned Static IP-Address.
  • Open Server manager
    • Click on Add Roles and Features
    • Click Next—-Next —– Next
    • Check Active Directory Domain Services.
    • Wizard will prompt to include Required Features (Click Add Feature)
    • Click Next—-Next——Next
    • Click Restart the destination server if required
    • Click Install
    • After Successful Install Click Close
  • In Post Deployment Tasks Click on Promote this server to a Domain Controller.
  • Click Add new forest (Since This is our First Domain Controller)
  • Type domain name in my case mydc.local
  • Click next and Type Active Directory Restore Mode Password.
  • after this you can chose default options with next on 4 screens
  • After Completion Reboot Server, its now A domain Controller

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