Home / Mobile / Android 11 (R), Developers, and the new API

Android 11 (R), Developers, and the new API

The first beta of the latest iteration of Android 11 is available to download for Pixel and some other devices. Including the essential phone and some others.

Android 11 may not bring any new major feature however it improves the experience provided in Android 10. New colors, a Default screen-recorder, Bubbles, ill go more in on that on another post

Right now the main focus is How the new change in the API.

Source: Google

Android applications up to Android 10 hold their data in the same place, which means that the applications are structured in such a way that they function only if the applications is given access to those specific folders.

The new API will cause many of the applications built in and for the previous versions of Android to stop working properly, most old applications are dependant on these folders.

However with Android 11 comes a new API, which creates a separate folder for each application hence protecting the data of other applications.

Source; Google

The developers are not happy with this decision as it requires them to change their applications file system structure.

Either the Developers cave in, or Google changes the API and the chances are the developers better start restructuring.

It provides security, one bad application cannot steal private and important information, for instance banking information.

About Abdullah Shahid

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